Imprisoned! – An Original Fantasy Tomes Adventure
The party finds itself imprisoned in an unknown dungeon, and separated from each other. One character somehow manages to slip out of the cell. As (s)he looks down the corridor, they start to think about how they got into this mess in the first place.
As the saviors of the city of Mirage, naturally when trouble came to the town again, the lord of the town, Count Sven, called on the adventurers to help save the city. The party agreed to help and rode to battle with the armies of the king of Caledonia.
The armies of the empire of Baicosta have invaded Caledonia. Caledonian armies were called from all over the country. As the party rode out to the battle, they quickly dismounted and charged in on foot. Once they got close to the armies’ leader, they realized that a trap had been set for anyone foolish enough to come close and they were hit by lightening from the generals battle magi. As the thunderclap seared into the ears of everyone around, the party members each fell over in a slump. The party members met the inevitable darkness hurrying in on them as if the darkness was running from death itself and had chosen their own bodies to hide itself inside. The outside world faded from view, and then just a long sleep awaited them.
No time to think about what went wrong now though, it’s lucky this party member survived. And now it’s time to see if anyone else is alive, and then how to escape…
As everyone woke up. The party made it out of the dungeons. However, they barely survived this part. Luckily, any player who reads this finds 1d4 health potion.
Dennis: 45 XP
Steve: 38 XP
Tim: 47 XP (includes XP for dumb luck for walking through the non-trapped door.
I call that smart luck!
Yum Yum Yum, but I prefer the Rum flavored health potion to that purple shit
Dennis 119
Tim 103
Cesar 71
BOB 120
This game look great, when can I get a copy.